April 13, 2011

Tape holders, decorated with tape:

So I found these containers at the thrift store, one is a old disk holder. I figured they could be great tape holders! So here's a quick tape diy for you!

Okay, I know this diy is not really necessary because it's pretty much just taping up these storage holders. But I thought I'd document it anyway ;)

The finished result! A pretty spiffy all decked out tape holder!

PS: Japanese tape packs will be available for sale
at the yard sale, this Sunday! Don't forget to RSVP ;)


  1. Great idea! I've seen this tape around and just didn't know what to do with it! Thanks for the inspiration! Wish I could come to your garage sale, but I live in Canada! ;)

  2. This totally counts as a tutorial! ;) Love it! You're so creative with the reinventing of things :) Now I want to go out and find an old disk holder!

  3. fabulous work! another piece i find that works well is a letterpress drawer. it is then functional and beautiful decor all at the same time.

    plus you have plenty of extra space to display any small collections.

    melissa of AMradio.

  4. You had me at Japanese masking tape. Never something I would have thought of, but so pretty and quick too!

  5. super cute! what a great idea :)

  6. this is so cute! i've been trying to figure out what to hold my own rolls of tape in!

  7. I had NO idea that duct tape came in so many varieties! HOW COOL! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Wow I didn't think they'd fit so perfectly! I'll have to keep my eye out at the thrift store for one. Right now I've got my tape hanging from a ribbon but it would be nice to be able to bring it over to the table so they'd be easier to use! Going to do this :D

  9. I'm loving the tape craze at the moment! I feel woefully inadequate that I only have 3 rolls! I think I might have to go out and get some more!

  10. Cool idea but I'm not crazy about the mismatched patterns and colors on this example.

  11. Great idea! Tape holders seem to be one of the most rejected things at thrift stores so it's nice to give them a hand too!

  12. Good stuff, thanks for the post! Maybe you should do a follow up post about this?

  13. Great idea and the result looks fab!

  14. Hello! :) I have an award for you on my blog!


  15. So cute! Great idea and thanks for sharing.


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