March 14, 2012


Sorry for the very completely unrelated post but I just had to post this because I'm super proud of my husband :) If you didn't know, Nicholas is a video game designer and is currently working on a game called Firefall. If you're not sure what video game designers do, this is just one job of many.

His company produces a "developer diary" - so Nick and his coworker got to film one where they talk about their work. They are "world builders" - pretty sweet title! But they basically make the entire environments in the video game, essentially building a 'world'. Nick is on the right ;) My husband is so cute. He was telling me about how he had to film this and he was so nervous. He said it was really awkward talking into the camera so they did more of a dialogue (as you see in the video) between them instead. I have absolutely no idea what they're saying but the graphics are cool to see and I'm so proud of all the work he's done. It's nice to see something come out of all the long nights when he has to work overtime and comes home at 1am.

I'm no gamer. I like antiques :) Sometimes I wish Nick was a graphic designer like me and then we could have our own graphic design company and design awesome things together. But he wouldn't be who he is, he has amazing work ethics and we wouldn't have met if he didn't go to art school to study video game design. Perhaps your husband/boyfriend likes video games? Pass the word on about Firefall for me ;)


  1. I play video games and I'm watching this video and getting excited about the graphics and the jet packs and my husband comes in and watches with me. We're looking forward to Firefall!

  2. @kate - really??? that is awesome! my husband will be so happy to hear that! thanks for sharing :)

  3. This is so cool! I'm a huge fan of your work, and love reading your blog every day! I'm a photographer, and currently planning my wedding for July of this year yey! So needless to say you provide me with lots of inspiration. future husband just happens to be a video game programmer :) He's currently working on Prototype 2. Free cheers for our hard working gaming men!

  4. I guess I never really thought about how video games get built before. The software they use looks incredible. What a neat job!

  5. I'm a huge gamer and so is my boyfriend. I actually remember reading about Firefall before and though it was pretty cool. I will have to check this out together with the boy :)

    Looks like they'll be at PAX Prime (gamer convention) in Seattle where I live so I'll probably see it there too!

  6. I am not a "gamer", but my husband is. I have already shown him things on your blog before, so he will be impressed that it is something that is relevant to his interests. But it is still design and something that is important to it isn't totally unrelated to blog topic. :)

  7. this is super cool! as soon as i saw this post, i called my husband over so he could read and watch it with me. i figured that he'd appreciate it :)

  8. this is super cool! as soon as i saw this post, i called my husband over so he could read and watch it with me. i figured that he'd appreciate it :)

  9. this is super cool! as soon as i saw this post, i called my husband over so he could read and watch it with me. i figured that he'd appreciate it :)

  10. I'm a little afraid to tell my husband: he'll be so jealous of Nick's job! Haha!

  11. I like video games and antiques ;) I was playing for a couple years but stopped and started doing digital art. I didn't play shooting games but rather exploring ones. So I'm familiar with the kind of work your husband does. It's actually playing video games that indirectly started me with digital art. Today's movies and video games can be quite inspiring and the design, concept art and environments are developed by very talented artists.

  12. I love video games & handmade crafts so you & your hubby are the perfect combination in my eyes haha! The world he created is absolutely beautiful for a video game. I hope this game is a huge hit & I wouldn't be surprised if I brought the game & played it myself. Great job `=]

  13. Hello! The world graphics look great, and I already signed up my boyfriend, his best friend, and myself for the beta test. They can't wait to play. Does your husband have any idea of how long the wait list is? Please tell him it looks pretty awesome for me!

    P.S. I can't wait for my Lovely Dozen package to come in!! So excited!!

  14. Hello again!

    So I did a little bit of forum reading, and you don't have to ask your husband about keys. It looks like keys are given out in a random lottery. We will wait to see if we get lucky!

  15. Awesome! gadchick would love to do a review! we'll follow the news on it!

  16. This is really cool, and it's definitely a lot of fun that you get to hear them talk about it and how it was made. Thanks for sharing!!

  17. It looks great! I'm not into video games at all, much more into antiques too :) But my husband loves video games and is the co-owner of a very cool independent video game store - I will show this to him tonight!


Friends, Thank you so much for reading + supporting my blog, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. Your comment support truly means so much to me. Have a lovely day! xo, danni