April 5, 2013

Happy Friday:

I really like scissors. They're a simple desk accessory but some can be really detailed and gorgeous for such a simple item. I love collecting them and we sell quite a few different pairs at the shop... maybe a bit too many. A customer walked in and commented, "you sell a lot of scissors" haha ;)

Scissors have been around for quite some time, the history of them is pretty cool actually. What about you - what sort of things are in your collection? 

Well it's Friday and the first week of April is already over. Crazy. When did we even reach April so quickly? This weekend we're going to be catching up at the shop since we've been gone for over a week! Toronto was so fun but there is really nothing like being at home and we're glad to be home. Have a great weekend friends!


  1. I love these photos. I'm thinking about scissors in a new way

  2. Beautiful! Made me want to start collecting sissors!

  3. Thank you for the reminder that the simplest things can still be beautiful!



  4. I'm buying scissors from you when I visit (and so much more!)

  5. I love scissors too, but my collection is not nearly as lovely as yours. You have some beauties.

  6. Nothing wrong with a scissor obsession, I love old tools and gardening equipment. Sometimes the simplest of things are the most beautiful.

    Gemma typically.pretty.english

  7. such beautiful scissors. Makes me want to find some nicer pairs.

  8. I love all of those scissors! They are all so intricate and beautiful. Happy Friday! xx. McKenna Lou

  9. I have lots of scissors! But none as interesting as all these!

  10. I love looking at old antique items! I have a huge stamp collection! :)

    xx Denysia Yu

  11. very beautiful scissors! I really need to by a pair of new and nice one, mine are quite old and barely alive!

  12. I am truly fascinated by your collection of scissors. Wow. You have so many beautiful ones. I never would have believed there were so many different shapes and sizes of scissors. This is definitely going to make me see scissors in different light when I go next to buy a pair for myself.

  13. I collect them too & found a usable, but tiny pair recently. I also count a pair i bought from your online shop as a fav!

  14. It`s always nice to find a scissor fetish!
    Even more if she has an online shop to sell some of her sharpy treasures, a pity that I`ve lost the chance to buy those gourgeous Ivory Bone Scissors...
    Hope you find more!

  15. Wow! I didn't even realize how many kinds and styles of scissors there were out there. How beautiful. I would love some rustic metals & gold ones for my workspace. :)

    xo, Adriana @ Horses of Ares.


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