( photograph )

July 29, 2009

( photograph )

Kitty Rogers Photography available via papernstitch.

Brittni from papernstitch sent me this link for these beautiful photos by Kitty Rogers so i just had to share them with you. wow! they give me such a light and whimsy feeling. so beautiful. thanks brittni!

5 hello's:

  1. Your blog is so aesthetically pleasing it just makes me in a better mood looking at it

  2. SO so beautiful! WOW!

  3. thanks again for posting about kitty's work danni. i love the photographs you chose to feature.

  4. hello, i just found your blog and think its one of my all time fav's now! i cam via Daydreamlily. i love your features and all the layout is so clear, congrats,i'll be back again and will be listing you on my sidebar soon ( :
    kat xx

  5. thank you, danni!! what a compliment to be featured on your beautiful blog...I am humbled! ;o}


Friends, Thank you so much for reading + supporting my blog, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. Your comment support truly means so much to me. Have a lovely day! xo, danni