i wrote this last week but sat on it before posting. i didn't want to post something that wasn't mine to share. Diana posted about it on her blog the other day so i thought i'd post this now..
just found out that a fellow friend in the blog community, Diana from Our City Lights, lost her baby (she posted here) so shocked, stunned, and at a loss. can't even begin to imagine what Diana and Scott are going through right now. we've actually been able to meet Diana and Scott a few times as they are fellow OC locals, and have followed along her journey the past few months as they prepared for baby Max.
just found out that a fellow friend in the blog community, Diana from Our City Lights, lost her baby (she posted here) so shocked, stunned, and at a loss. can't even begin to imagine what Diana and Scott are going through right now. we've actually been able to meet Diana and Scott a few times as they are fellow OC locals, and have followed along her journey the past few months as they prepared for baby Max.
feeling angry. confused. heartbroken for them. i fall back on my beliefs and what i know. i believe in God. i believe His attributes and characteristics are compassion, grace, forgiveness, and like a parent, He wants the very best for us. But times like this i am just left questioning. i question God, i tell Him i'm angry and confused, asking why do bad things happen to good people? and i being to doubt that He is good. but the only answer i am lead to is that it is a result of living in a fallen and depraved world. this world and life, it is not how God intended it to be. babies dying before they've even lived. children being sold into prostitution. infertility. brain tumors. cancer. murder. none of it is of our God. because He is all things good. loving. beautiful. and one day we will live in the world He meant it to be before the fall. all will be set right. there will be no more sorrow or sadness or death or tears. we have such a great hope in Him.
If you pray, would you lift up Diana & Scott in prayer? That they would be surrounded by such deep and powerful comfort that only God can provide during this severe loss.
Came across this post right before i found out Diana's tragic news and thought I'd end the post with this:

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