
February 15, 2012

Starting a new feature called 'snapshots' which are just some random photos taken throughout my week of various things / life / etc. I hope you enjoy these photos and getting 'snapshots' into our lives! :)

more pretty flowers from Reinna's wedding

decal-ed my phone with a message I often need ;)

These dishes are super special to me. Back in 2008, we had an opportunity to go to China with all my aunts and uncles and cousins and grandma. We got to visit her village and my grandfather's village. There were still some bowls and things in the house he grew up in, so each of us got to take some. They currently sit in my kitchen and I'll cherish these bowls always!

my husband rarely finds things he wants from antique markets but he found
a sword and this antique ax for only $10 bucks so we got it ;)

custom designed temporary tattoo..

various charms and findings for necklaces for my shop.

mustard crochet blanket gift from ruby! (she knows me so well) from good knits.

35 hello's:

  1. wow that blanke is gorgeous!! what a sweet gift!

  2. I love these snapshots, Danni, and the quiet little peek into your life that they give us. I've been thinking of doing something similar and now I'm even more inspired!

  3. We are loving this collection of photos!
    We do the same thing on our blog as we take so many snapshots that never get seen :S
    Looking forward to seeing more!

  4. Yay! I'm super excited about this new feature! I love your photography and seeing all the cool things you have! The axe and sword definitely sound like the kinds of things my husband would buy too. That axe handle is really cool though! And what a pretty blanket! Going to check that out now! :)

  5. Is that a peanut switchblade? I hope so because that is awesome!! Beautiful pics.

  6. Snapshots! So perfect! I love your talent and creativity and your photos are well.....gorgeous!! That mustard crochet blanket is fabulous. Hope you had a beautiful day yesterday, xo

  7. I love the temporary tat! The color of the blanket is perfect.

  8. This is such a fun series! I have so many snapshots throughout the week that wouldn't make a very good post alone but I want to share them. So fun!

  9. love love love

    random is my favorite

  10. I do a feature like this! I think it's so much fun. I think this might be my favorite blog post to read and to write :)

  11. Hello,
    I found this from Pinterest and I am in love with your blog, it is so inspiring!!
    Thanks for sharing such inspiring things, I got inspired to do better packaging (Sorry my poor English, I am Brazilian).

  12. Love this new column. So personal and the photos are gorgeous. Those bowls are precious. What a valuable memento from such a remarkable trip and a beautiful addition to your home. I don't even know Reinna directly, but it's unbelievable that she's already married!

  13. love that blanket! and this is a fun new series! :)

  14. These photos are all so gorgeous! I love the flowers and the temporary tattoo!!
    xo Heather

  15. Great pictures! Love the blanket!

  16. Lovely snapshots! Everything is so beautiful.

  17. Lovely pics :)

  18. Love these pics! I look forward to this series.

  19. BEAUTIFUL crocheted blanket!! And I love the little message on your phone... I think they should come as standard! =)

  20. Such a lovely mustard coloured blanket! beautiful gift!

  21. I love this post!!! It's so much fun to just take every day photos and share them. Plus you have a way of making ordinary things look BEAUTIFUL! :) hehe.

    I think my boyfriend Keith would LOVE that ax! Great find!

  22. 1. I love those gorgeous flowers! I have a couple like that in my dining room in a terrarium, but I would love a bouquet like that.

    2. LOVE the new look of your blog!

  23. I love this new feature! It's always fun to see snapshots into daily life, and your photography is gorgeous. Looking forward to more!

  24. The story behind those bowls in wonderful--what a blessing to have that piece of your family history!

  25. This is my new favorite blog! It's so beautiful!!!!! I love the pictures, layouts, and everything. Can't wait to see more xxo

  26. Would love to know where you got that temporary tattoo! Love it!

  27. Are those various charms and findings for necklaces going into your shop? If so when. I know what I want/need.

  28. Hahaha the peanut knife is epic.

  29. Danni, you must sell these temporary tattoos! they are so beautiful and I want to buy one :-)

  30. Oh, those bowls are such a treasure! How wonderful that you found & got to keep them.

  31. Yay, methinks I'm really gonna like this feature! :)

  32. Those charms are so beautiful! :)


Friends, Thank you so much for reading + supporting my blog, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. Your comment support truly means so much to me. Have a lovely day! xo, danni