lovely wear:

April 11, 2012

I was pretty excited when I found this skirt at a thrift shop for only $3. It was a matching set and included a top too (with shoulder pads!) but that would probably be too matchy-matchy .. plus not sure about shoulder pads although I'm sure they'll make their way back in one day ;) I am really liking polka dots right now too.

I really like this length for skirts because I'm kind of on the short side (I'm just under 4' 11") and I feel taller in this mid-length type of skirt. Don't get me wrong, I like being short. It'd just be nice to actually be able to buy jeans that are the right length on me w/o having to fold them or sew them (and I never get around to sewing anything) Any other short friends out there? ;)

Skirt: Vintage
Top & Sweater: Jcrew
Shoes: DSW, brand nine west vintage.
Necklace: handmade

20 hello's:

  1. I love your lovely wear posts! You always inspire me to try new colors and put different prints together and accessories with unconventional pieces! I actually just purchased my first pair of Seychelles shoes after seeing you wearing them :) thank you for sharing!

  2. Adorable skirt! Yes! I'm about 5'1" & I'm definitely more of a skirt/dress person because of the folding/sewing of jeans! Love this outfit & the mixing of patterns.

  3. Yay to shortness! I'm 4'11" and always have to hem everything except for petite jeans at TopShop!

  4. You're the cutest. Lovelovelove the shoes!

  5. Not quite as short - I'm 5'2", but I generally never get skirts longer than this because I don't like them to make me look shorter, either.

  6. danni, you are too cute - and like you i'm on the short side (5'3) so i get excited when long skirts fit me just right. love everything about this look!

  7. wow that skirt is awesome! what a find! I'm not shirrt but I do have short legs so I have a hard time finding jeans the right length too. I sometimes hae to get the short length an I'm 5'5!

  8. Love your vintage skirt!

  9. Cute cute cute! I love all the vibrant colors! I love seeing how you, a fellow shortie like me, dresses. Gives me a ton of inspiration in each outfit.

  10. Love your look , love your blog, i am 5'3" and I love to sew but HATE to hem!

  11. Such a sweet look! Love your skirt en great combination with the top!

  12. So cute!
    I am short too we're about the same height - I'm 4'11" and 3/4! But I never wear heels they hurt my feet!

    Oh, funny thing is that I sent a style question about how to appear taller to Ruche several weeks ago and they answered my question! You can see it here:

    So don't worry you're not the only short one out there :)

  13. I love finding matching sets like that. I keep one piece to wear and the other part I use to make something else. I'm also short :)

  14. I absolutely love that skirt!

  15. I adore your skirt!!! So darling.

  16. You are just so super cute! Love the skirt and the price :)

  17. Yes...another short person here. I'm a little under 5' and the only jeans I've found that fit me without hemming are Banana Republic jeans. If you wash them they shrink a little too! I usually get them at the outlet cuz they are cheaper.

  18. So cute! I love the pattern mixing and that skirt is fab. That length is one of my favorites too, I'm glad to see it more often now.

  19. So cute! I love all the colors you use in your outfits.

  20. your outfit is sooo cute danni! great colors!


Friends, Thank you so much for reading + supporting my blog, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. Your comment support truly means so much to me. Have a lovely day! xo, danni